Portrait Sizes & Prices:
8” X 10” (7.5″ x 9.5″) – (Mounted with a 11” x 14” mat and backing and ready to fit in a 11″ X 14″ frame)
One subject- head and shoulders $125
One subject – head and upper torso with arms/hands $150
One subject- full body $175
Detailed background + $20
Each additional subject + $35 each
House or cottage with background $135
Specialty item (boat, car, landmark, prized possession, etc. ) pricing per request
NOTE: It is recommended that one subject, or a maximum of two subjects, be used for this portrait size.
(Subject is defined as a person or animal)
11” X 14” (10.5″ x 13.5″) – (Mounted with a 16” x 20” mat and backing and ready to fit in a 16″ X 20″ frame) . NOTE: This size is recommended for best details and effects.
One subject- head and shoulders $200
One subject – head and upper torso with arms/hands $225
One subject – full body $250
Each additional subject +$75 each
Detailed background + 30
House or cottage with background $220
Specialty item (boat, car, landmark, prized possession, etc.) pricing per request
Price includes taxes and shipping within continental United States.
Larger size portraits may be available upon request.